The Winter Runners Blues

Hey Dai, Nigel, Russell, d’ya got your guitars?

I fully intended to run this morning, but there was ice on the car outside and I wimped out.  Which was a real shame, as the ice had melted by the time the dawn broke and it really wasn’t that bad when I walked to work.  The upside was that It did get me thinking of some blues lyrics!

The Winter Runners Blues

Woke up this morning, planning to run, all there was outside, was a heavy frost and no sun

I’ve got the winter runners blues. it’s all those dingy winter hues, I am no winter runner fool, I’m hibernating ’til the spring.

The alarm lit up this morning, way before the dawn, looked outside to see it, cold and forlorn

I’ve got the winter runners blues, I’m on the winter runners booze, I’ve lost my winter runners balls, I’m meditating ’til the spring.

Walked to work this morning, wishing I had run, the muddy paths and puddles, really are such great fun

I’ve got the winter runners blues, but I have the winter runners shoes, and I have those gorgeous winter views, and I’m in training for the spring.