Pretty amazing

As Kim and I were walking back from the town laden with groceries last week, we chanced upon a young lady with no clothes on.

She was reclining comfortably in the snow… and she must have been frozen stiff!

I think that the sculptor below, whose name I have unfortunately forgotten,  should get marks for form and for originality (the closest thing of any creativity I saw around here was the small but well formed igloo that appeared down the road from us)… and additional marks for the temperature he was working in!

It wasn’t finished at this stage and I think I have now missed my chance to see it complete, but Bravo indeed!

Pretty pics

The glory of the snow is starting to fade as the thaw gets underway, but I took the enclosed photos when it was still fresh last week.  Enjoy!

And my favourite, for its sheer broodiness…

Ten on the tenth

I took Cliff’s advice and got out into the snow yesterday… to help my neighbours clear the road.  Having spent three hours shovelling snow, pushing wheelbarrows of grit and spreading it around, I didn’t feel the need to get out there again today in my shorts and t-shirt.

Instead I climbed aboard the magic carpet and set about catching my brother’s drift (see comments on previous post

My initial aim was to complete one hour running at 7mph but as I warmed up over the first 800 metres I changed my mind to try to run 7 miles in one hour… it may sound like semantics, but this meant that I had to run faster than 7mph to catch up on the time lost warming up.

I set the carpet to 7.5mph and got on with running as efficiently as possible.  This involved focusing on my footfall, making it as steady and controlled as possible.  At the same time I remembered what the Bok taught me and relaxed my upper body, arms and jaw and kept breathing steadily.

Actually it was a surprisingly comfortable speed.  This was evidenced by my heart rate, which stayed under 160bpm for something like 5 miles.  Inexorably it did climb higher, but for the most part it was still under 170bpm.

I think that I passed the 7-mile mark at 58 minutes, but by this point I had recalibrated my goal.  Unsure of the exact distinction between a short and a long run on and unwilling to be accused of only putting in a short run… as well as being a namby-pamby for not running in the snow… I had decided to complete a third of a marathon, which is about 8.7 miles.

By the time I got there however, it seemed churlish not to continue to a nice round ten miles.

I was relieved that by the time I reached ten miles, I did at least feel the effects of the speed I was running… otherwise I may have been forced to revise my marathon target time down even further!  Whilst it’s true that I did stagger a little to get across to the study where my camera was, it was nowhere near the level of staggering that I experienced after the early sessions on the machine in August or  September.  Ergo, despite the sporadic nature of my recent runs, I must be getting stronger!

My heart rate hovered between 170 and 175 for the last couple of miles, but I covered the allotted ten miles in 82 minutes… an average of 7.3mph.

We’re in the process of turning our orange bathroom white and one of the by-products of this is that the shower downstairs is now more powerful… which is one reason that I stood under it for a small age once I had replaced some of the 1276 calories I had burned up.

Running on the spot

Since the sun, at its very brightest this morning, failed even to melt the ice on the car outside, I didn’t even make an effort to venture out to test the temperature.  Cold enough methinks.

And yet as a Sunday, I had to run, so I climbed aboard the magic carpet and it took me…. well, absolutely nowhere actually.  Despite a lot of effort on my part.


A set of intervals were long overdue, so after a brief warm-up, I did five sets consisting of 200m at 6mph, 200m at 7mph and 400m at 8.5mph, this latter rising by 0.5mph each set.  Thus I ended up at around the 3 mile mark running 400m at 10.5mph with a brief rise to 11mph to push my heart rate slightly higher.

After a short recovery, I finished off the session with half a mile at 7mph giving a grand total of 4 miles covered in 34.14… an overall average of pretty much 7mph on the nose.  This is the speed I will need to able to run at for 26.2 miles in April if I am to hit my 3 hours 45 minutes target time.



A tough start to the year

On such a bright and sunny January the first, it was easy to get out and get running and I quickly found myself on the way to the Downs.  It wasn’t exactly an early morning run however… it was midday before I emerged, mainly because I was hoping the temperature might rise a little from its sub-zero start.

I ran out towards Oldlands Mill on a very muddy track, taking a left before I reached the mill to drop down into the north end of Ditchling.  This meant that I could run down the high street with its pretty shops and cottages, before taking the Beacon road & track.

Each of my runs seems to represent an ordeal to be overcome and I was happy that I was able to push on up the steep Beacon track with little problem.  I didn’t feel particularly on form however, as I remember trying to work out what was painful… I was happy that it was not my legs, nor my lungs.

It was a joy to be on the top of the Beacon on such a beautiful day and I took these pictures to share the view with you.


Deciding which way to go back was difficult as all ways were appealing and I chose to run along the top to Jack & Jill, where a glider slid gracefully past overhead, before I turned northward.  It was cold enough on the top that I had to put my second beanie hat back on and drag it down over my ears and the temperature didn’t exactly rise as I dropped out of the sun!


I descended the steeper of the two paths into Clayton and ran through the Eastern end of the village and north towards Halfway (on the map).  Here I stopped to read the path closure notice and it was as if my energy, till then finely balanced for the estimated return distance, suddenly started to evaporate.  My new route took me through Butcher’s Wood, inadvertently via someone’s woodland-like back garden… if you are the owner, please accept my apologies.

At the one-hour forty mark, having run through Hassocks and onto the path at the north of the village my energy-meter suddenly hit zero and I found myself walking.  I realised that the elusive but pervasive pain was from my lower back so I allowed myself to walk for about ten minutes until I got to the the bottom of the lane to Oldlands Mill, eating out my entire small emergency stock of Jelly Babies as I went.  Whilst I really hate having to walk on a run and also really beat myself up about being so weak-willed, I know that I must have been feeling pretty pained to have resorted to it.

After my ten minute walk I was well chilled (and I don’t mean laid-back!) and I forced myself to start running again when I reached the lane to the Mill and then took the muddy track towards home, pausing only for a minute or so when I painfully twisted my ankle.  Despite this I still managed to run all the way home.

I had covered 12.4 miles in two hours 18 minutes… a pretty slow 5.4mph… and I arrived home like the walking dead, but it was good to have a tough start to the year and I seemed to recover fairly quickly which is a good sign.

It really felt like a Sunday yesterday… but it has just dawned on me that it’s actually Sunday tomorrow and that I’ll have to get out and do it all again!  Now I feel tired!