FosterRuns is Eight!

Earlier today, whilst out running, I realised that today is the 8th anniversary of FosterRuns dot com.

I don’t think that I’ve done the running stats for a few years now (my spreadsheet says 2012) but I think outings, miles and speeds have all been in slow decline, though I’m enjoying the running in a different way now.

Google analytics shows that user numbers for FosterRuns re up from 717 in the year to Aug 16th 2013, to 1006 in the year to Aug 16th 2014, to 1506 in the last year… a 50% increase for two years running.

To be fair though, I think the site used to get more traffic early on when I ran more, but at least it’s going back in the right direction.

Either way, it still serves to make me run when I’m not really in the mood, as well as to exercise my writing on a regular basis.

Thank you very much for being a reader!