Weekend off

I chose not to run this weekend, but I did start to prepare the ground for my new shed so I don’t feel as if I have been slacking.

This involved moving two railway sleepers that hold back the bank in one corner, replacing them level and on their sides and reducing and levelling the ground inside to be able to build a framework on top.

After filling 18 bags to a ‘can just carry’ level, I ran out of bags to take the surplus soil, but I’ve cleared enough to progress… next time I feel in the mood!

And hopefully it won’t be pouring down with rain again next time!!

Does anyone need some additional soil… and have a truck to take it away… ?

After the physical exercise of the day, it was great to relax in front of the cinema screen.  We saw The Dark Knight, which was actually anything but relaxing.  Tense and darker than both the first in this franchise and previous versions of Batman & the Joker, this was definitely not for the faint of heart!  Excellent though!