Playing in the traffic

Those of you who know me know that I don’t answer my phone if I’m in the car, but there I was talking on my phone in the fast lane of the M25 on my way home from Cambridge on Friday evening with my client in the car.  Probably worse still, I was walking around in the traffic while I talked.

To be fair the traffic was all stationary, excepting the occasional motorcycle weaving through the parked cars and lorries, courtesy of some idiot who had decided to test the response time of the Police and Bomb Squad about a mile ahead of us.

Despite no bathroom facilities and no dinner, it was at least sunny and warm, whilst the occasional inexplicable 100m movement forwards kept us all hopeful and on our toes during the six and a half hour delay.  A typical British ‘Dunkirk spirit’ prevailed amongst the drivers around us and there was actually a real sense of camaraderie.

Crucially, my eventual nine and a half hour journey home was nowhere near as dire as it could have been thanks in large order to my client, Giles, being really good fun to be with.


I spent the first part of Saturday writing a workshop and planning for next week and then Kim and I went off to a very special barbecue.  It was a celebration of 49-edness amongst my school friends… a series of 50th birthday parties starts in November.


A lay-in and more planning this morning left me with no particular desire to run (especially after hearing that Pete ran sixty-odd miles on Thursday and Friday), so I’ve given myself a special dispensation… a weekend off!

May your week ahead be sunny and idiot-free!