New splodge and a change in training tempo

Kim and I both bought new splodge during our visit to Run on Saturday and it was the inaugural outing for my pair today. I say outing, but as my plan is to use them only on the running machine for the time being, I should probably say inning.

Also, although my head has been in marathon gear for several weeks now, I have only just realised that both my mileage and the number of times I run each week should be higher.

Hence this gentle little 3-mile run today to stretch my legs out after yesterday’s long-un.  I clearly warmed up for too long before dialling in 7mph, as the average speed at the 3-mile mark was 6.92mph.  25 minutes, 53 seconds.

I’ll probably see what the result is when I wake up tomorrow morning, but rest assured that there will be more runs coming!