Monday Monday

We really are having a proper summer this year and the forecasts suggest that it may stay that way until the end of the month. I’m pretty sure that average annual rainfall stays fairly consistent from year to year, so we’re probably in for a very wet autumn. This is reminiscent of 1976, when I seemed to spend a lot of time getting drenched whilst standing outside in school lunch or bus queues in the pouring rain.

Beautiful morning today though and whilst I didn’t feel as if I was flowing along the road in a graceful way (more like the clunking of a square-wheeled car), I was at least happy that this was simply because i’ve not been doing enough running lately.

This said, I did choose to take the slightly elongated route, so 2.02 miles in just over 20 minutes.

Right now it feels as if I’m sitting in a sauna, drenched from head to toe, which must be a good way to clear out the pores.